Friday, October 12, 2007

Observation 1.3

Date: October 11, 2007
Time: 7:30 to 9:00
Place: Church off Clark RD
Sky Conditions: Clear skies
Instruments: Binoculars, Telescope

Planets: Jupiter, Venus

Noted Stars: Deneb, Vega, Altair, Antares, Arcturus, and Fomalhaut

Noted Constellations: Sagittarius, Ophiuchus, Serpens Cauda, Serpens Caput, Aquila, Lyra, Capricornus, Cygnus, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Pegasus, Scutum, Corona Borealis, Scorpius, Sagitta, Delphinus, Andromeda, and Hercules

Binary Stars: Epsilon Lyrae (noted 2 different colors of 2 stars), Albireo

Deep Sky Objects/ M-objects: M8, M57, M27, M11, M13

Other: Four moon's of Jupiter (noted differnet colors of 2 moons)

I found this observation period very helpful and interesting. I enjoyed being able to see some of the M objects that we have been learning about in class. Also, seeing the different colors of Jupiters moons, and the apparent different colorings of 2 stars of the binary star Epsilon Lyrae(?). It helped to see all of these objects because I feel like they mean more by seeing them with my own eyes rather than just on paper and I can better commit them to memory.

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