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APOD 1.7
Venus is now being enjoyed by early risers as the morning star near the eastern horizon. Venus can be seen in the upper right hand corner in this predawn skyview photograph. The moon, in the middle, is seen as a crescent, and in the bottom left hand corner is Saturn. If you were to hold your fist at arms length, both planets and the moon would easily be covered in this 5 degree wide field. Sunlight reflected from Earth's dayside, Earthshine, shows many features on the lunar nightside. If you were to look closely, Titan, Saturn's largest moon, can be seen as a pinpoint near Saturn. The tight triangle between Venus, Saturn, and Regulus (the alpha star in the constellation Leo (top)) look very impressive. This picture is truely impressive, especially because you can see so much. The moon itself also looked very incredible, with the Earthshine.
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